Author Archive

8 juin 2011: CathDétente

Après avoir laissé ce site un long moment sans commentaire, je vous propose de visiter une exposition temporaire de la Cité des sciences à Paris accessible jusqu’au 3 juillet 2011.

Impossible de rater ça si vous êtes amateur de science fiction. Rendez-vous en images avec ma jeune cousine aveugle de 13 ans qui a publié son premier livre SF intitulé “A chacun son mutant” (Un peu de pub :p)  :





4 juin 2009: CathMes travaux

Samedi 30 mai et dimanche 31 mai, le Laboratoire d’Informatique Avancée de Saint-Denis (LIASD) présentait certains de ses travaux au Pavillon de l’Arsenal lors de l’événement Futur en Seine.

Nous avons proposé une démonstration en live de transformation BD au public. Et voici quelques photos stylisées par mon programme (développé actuellement dans le cadre de ma thèse encadrée par Vincent Boyer).

Si vous utilisez les images suivantes, merci de préciser qu’elles ont été générées à partir de mes travaux de recherche au sein du LIASD.








16 avril 2009: CathMes travaux

We generate this picture from a single photograph (the original photograph was taken by Claude Dassonneville). CSM, our Comics Stylization Model, can perform automatically different comics stylized images from a photograph: hand like line drawing, outlines and areas filled in with black and white colors, outlines and one color per area…

Our model (submitted at EG’09 ID 1232)avoids the depthless problem using comics creator techniques. It extracts image structures from the photograph, generates automatically a depth map from them and performs a rendering to give a comics style. Moreover, we propose a complementary concept for an image composition tool that creates and maintains a depth map during the composition process. It is so composed by three successive parts:

1) Image analysis: we extract image structures from the photograph (edges, segmented image, filtered image).
2) Then we generate a depth map using them or our image composition tool. It can be grey levels or colored to give an atmosphere.
3) A stylization process is realized using previous results and a style given by the user.

In this picture, a radial depth map have been produced with our composition tool. The stylization of the contours is a hand like drawing. We use Catmull-Rom splines for the significant edges (the longest edges). We decrease the saturation of the segmented image to depict depth using a red depth map to give and atmosphere. The colors at the foreground are in red tons and the background colors are desaturated depending on the depth map. We interpolate (depending on the depth map) the image obtained and the original segmented one. That produced a colored gradient from red to green (original color) maintening the previous desaturation. Finally, we mix the contours result and the colors result.

We generate this picture from a single photograph (the original photograph was taken by Claude Dassonneville). CSM, our Comics Stylization Model, can perform automatically different comics stylized images from a photograph: hand like line drawing, outlines and areas filled in with black and white colors, outlines and one color per area.

Our model (submitted at EG’09 ID 1232)avoids the depthless problem using comics creator techniques. It extracts image structures from the photograph, generates automatically a depth map from them and performs a rendering to give a comics style. Moreover, we propose a complementary concept for an image composition tool that creates and maintains a depth map during the composition process. It is so composed by three successive parts:

1) Image analysis: we extract image structures from the photograph (edges, segmented image, filtered image).
2) Then we generate a depth map using them or our image composition tool. It can be grey levels or colored to give an atmosphere.
3) A stylization process is realized using previous results and a style given by the user.

In this picture, a radial depth map have been produced with our composition tool. The stylization of the contours is a hand like drawing. We use Catmull-Rom splines for the significant edges (the longest edges). We decrease the saturation of the segmented image to depict depth using a red depth map to give and atmosphere. The colors at the foreground are in red tons and the background colors are desaturated depending on the depth map. A threshold is realized and added at the contours image. Finally, we mix the contours image result and the colors image result.

We generate this picture from a single photograph (the original photograph was taken by Claude Dassonneville). CSM, our Comics Stylization Model, can perform automatically different comics stylized images from a photograph: hand like line drawing, outlines and areas filled in with black and white colors, outlines and one color per area.

Our model (submitted at EG’09 ID 1232)avoids the depthless problem using comics creator techniques. It extracts image structures from the photograph, generates automatically a depth map from them and performs a rendering to give a comics style. Moreover, we propose a complementary concept for an image composition tool that creates and maintains a depth map during the composition process. It is so composed by three successive parts:

1) Image analysis: we extract image structures from the photograph (edges, segmented image, filtered image).
2) Then we generate a depth map using them or our image composition tool. It can be grey levels or colored to give an atmosphere.
3) A stylization process is realized using previous results and a style given by the user.

In this picture, a linear depth map have been produced with our composition tool. The stylization of the contours is a hand like drawing. We use Catmull-Rom splines for the significant edges (the longest edges). We decrease the saturation of the fitered image to depict depth using a yellow depth map to give and atmosphere. The colors at the foreground are in yellow tons and the background colors are desaturated depending on the depth map. We interpolate (depending on the depth map) the image obtained and the original segmented one. That produced a colored gradient from red to green (original color) maintening the previous desaturation. That permits also to have more details at the forground than at the background because the filtered image is more detailed than the segmented one. Finally, we mix the contours result and the colors result.

We generate this picture from a single photograph (the original photograph was taken by Fabien Gaudichau). CSM, our Comics Stylization Model, can perform automatically different comics stylized images from a photograph: hand like line drawing, outlines and areas filled in with black and white colors, outlines and one color per area.

Our model (submitted at EG’09 ID 1232)avoids the depthless problem using comics creator techniques. It extracts image structures from the photograph, generates automatically a depth map from them and performs a rendering to give a comics style. Moreover, we propose a complementary concept for an image composition tool that creates and maintains a depth map during the composition process. It is so composed by three successive parts:

1) Image analysis: we extract image structures from the photograph (edges, segmented image, filtered image).
2) Then we generate a depth map using them or our image composition tool. It can be grey levels or colored to give an atmosphere.
3) A stylization process is realized using previous results and a style given by the user.

In this picture, there is no depth map. The stylization of the contours is a hand like drawing. We use Catmull-Rom splines for the significant edges (the longest edges). Finally, we mix the contours result and the filtered image.

We generate this picture from a single photograph (the original photograph was taken by Claude Dassonneville). CSM, our Comics Stylization Model, can perform automatically different comics stylized images from a photograph: hand like line drawing, outlines and areas filled in with black and white colors, outlines and one color per area.

Our model (submitted at EG’09 ID 1232)avoids the depthless problem using comics creator techniques. It extracts image structures from the photograph, generates automatically a depth map from them and performs a rendering to give a comics style. Moreover, we propose a complementary concept for an image composition tool that creates and maintains a depth map during the composition process. It is so composed by three successive parts:

1) Image analysis: we extract image structures from the photograph (edges, segmented image, filtered image).
2) Then we generate a depth map using them or our image composition tool. It can be grey levels or colored to give an atmosphere.
3) A stylization process is realized using previous results and a style given by the user.

In this picture, a depth map have been produced with our composition tool. The stylization of the contours is a hand like drawing. We use Catmull-Rom splines for the significant edges (the longest edges). We decrease the saturation of the filtered image to depict depth using a red depth map to give and atmosphere. The colors at the foreground are in red tons and the background colors are desaturated depending on the depth map. We interpolate (depending on the depth map) the image obtained and the original filtered one. That produced a colored gradient from red to the original colors maintening the previous desaturation. Finally, we mix the contours result and the colors result.